The moral of this story should have been, "Keep your clothes on at all times, but I did not learn it.

Have you ever had that dream that you went to work naked? I do not have that dream anymore because I lived it several times.


Back in the U.S. living with my parents.Husband and all belongings, toys, etc. still in Germany.
Germany had no solutions for Autism, so I came home. The United States did not know that much either.
Two babies and I still had not learned ABA nor how to teach the first one to talk. Nonetheless, regardless of having one child who did not understand the word, "No," I wanted everything for my babies. At one and 2 years old , I took them to the Y for swimming lessons. I hired the boy next door to help me and they had a private teacher.
I forgot to think about the locker room. Like any good mother, after the pool, they were freezing, so I got them dressed first. As soon as I took my wet bathing suit off, Ca bolted out of the locker room which led to a basketball court  in the middle of a  high school game with doors that led to the parking lot.
She could have been hit by a car in seconds. I had no choice. Out I went into the middle of the high school game stark naked to bring her back to the locker room.An old lady ran after to help me. At least she had underwear on. When we got back to the locker room, even though Ca probably did not understand, she sternly said to her, "You let your mother get dressed." Then she looked at me and said, "I am going to pray for you." The next day we were thrown out of the Y.Later, we also got thrown out of a Doctor's Office(for me, really sick)  and a Church.The last two were out of pure ignorance when nothing really happened, as well as the first for that matter.
It never happened there again, but it did happen in different scenarios with Ca at least 4 more times.
Fourteen years later as an Autism Specialist, I was setting up a program for a 6 year old boy.One afternoon, after I had been unable to see him for a few days, I met him at his special bus.He was so happy to see me that he jumped off the bus right into my waiting arms and managed to pull down my skirt. I held on to him with one hand, pulled up my skirt with the other and introduced myself to the male busdriver.
The next time, I did not wear a skirt. He got off the bus, jumped into my waiting arms again and managed to unbutton my blouse.I never wore skirts or things that could be unbuttoned when I took him off the bus again.

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