Mary Poppins

 Ma cherie,
 I never would have called you this in 1979. You worked as a maid in the Foyer with your hunched over back from osteoporosis, and yet there were some who asked you to move their heavy armoires, made heavier with clothes and dust underneath them. You used, "Vous." They used, "Tu." I always told you not to clean my room. You knew that because I slept right next to the garbage for the whole second floor, that  I slept with cockroaches. They were my friends in the night when I could not sleep. You knew that I slept during the day. You did not judge me, nor did you disturb me. Whenever I went away for a day or two,or a few weeks,I would come back to my room and it always looked like Mary Poppins had hit it. You were my Mom in Paris, Ma Cherie. I will love you forever.
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