Paris, France
Student at Science-Po and L'Universite de Nanterre.
Living in a Foyer pour Les Infirmieres Retraites.

Coming back from the American hospital in Neuilly.

I walked to the subway, hurrying to walk alongside a gorgeous Asian looking woman holding a curious toddler's hand and pushing a double stroller with two beautiful infants inside. When I got to the subway, I was sooo scared. I got onto first class only having a second class monthly ticket.I was alone, first class was empty. At the next stop, three bedraggled men with paper bags full of cheap open wine bottles entered. They entered in the front and tipsily walked to the back where I was.One sat on my left, the other sat on my right and the third sat directly in front of me. I made absolutely no eye contact with them and tried very hard to maintain a poker face, until I no longer could. I cannot remember now if the one on the right, or if the one on the left was the one who started to tell silly jokes in French, or if the one on the left, or the one on the right was the one who nudged my shoulder gently when the punch line came. I only remember that the one in front of me said,"Un, deux, trois, now it is time to laugh."

My Dear Three Wise Men,

As you know, you had me laughing when I thought my world had fallen apart. How I wish I had written down your jokes. I cannot even believe that so early in my sojourn in France I understood you. You were not three winos. I knew then, I know now and I will always know that you were angels. (Dear Lord, Did you send Yourself, Your Son and the Holy Ghost to me that day?) Un, deux, trois, now it is time to smile.
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