The umbilical cord which even cut remains and a few other things.

Walking down a sidewalk in Ossweil, a suburb of Ludwigsburg, pregnant and with our one something year old,  I said to you, "G, she is going to bolt across the road to Penny Markt for kinderschocolade." You said, " No, she will not."
She did- right into traffic and I got her.There is something about the bond created with that umbilical cord.As a father you developed and maintained just as deep of a bond, if not deeper ones.Still,.... there are subtle differences.

Having one sip of coffee, bars on windows, like a jail to prevent a four year old without words from escaping into the world where she belongs.... What a fire hazard! She figured out the childproof thing on the door to the garage and was gone in 2 seconds.We both ran out the door and were about to each go in different directions, again leaving our baby to fend for herself, as is what happens to most siblings of special children. The oldest still unable to respond to her own name, by saying, "Yes, or What." Something within me gravitated to my car, where we found her locked inside the trunk.

Two toddlers in tow. Going to see horses and geese. Never arrived to the geese. We went to the barn , as the horses were not out. The barn for the horses owned by a Doctor, at that time in my parent's neighbourhood, was guarded by dogs. I did not know that they had been formerly abused dogs. Ca went straight for the barn to see the horses and at that point she did not understand a word. Right before the moment when those dogs were about to rip her apart , I grabbed  her  winter coat and pulled her back to me.

Not a beach day in Ogunquit, Maine. Went to the zoo in York. Split up, you with Co and me with Ca. (Wonder if these are elements in chemistry.) The sun came out and it was soo.... hot.In front of an alligator cage with water, she started to climb. I said, "No." She responded with, " Paper." Ungeneralized version of the word, no, learned from "No," being said to not trying to be Picasso on every wall in our house. In those days we did not need to make time for running, nor the gym. It was just every moment of all of our  days. Even though the barrier was made out of glass, she managed to climb halfwayup it. All she wanted was water......

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